Working My Way Back

It has been awhile since I have visited my blog site. I haven’t even looked at it in the longest while. I can’t call my state of mind a funk, actually, but the restorative power of summer never did its stuff for me this past season. To those who don’t teach and who don’t have some of the summer off, I feel sure this will sound like whining and I do apologize, but summer felt almost nonexistent to me this year. School ended late this past school year. June 28th was graduation day. I had summer school in July till the beginning of August, then August was rife with humidity and the threat of thunderstorms which kept me from my beloved beach. Even back when I was employed in the business world before I had my children, I realized that teaching had a different intensity from what I was doing. After all, at that time I could close my office door and ask my assistant to take my calls. In the education field, the school year is a whirlwind in many ways, and it is essential for me to have a time of refreshment during the off months. Oddly, instead of bemoaning the fact that summer has gone and trying to prolong it as I did last year, I am done with the whole thing. I am kind of figuratively stomping my feet and saying, “If I couldn’t enjoy you when you were here, I don’t want to now!!” Perhaps if the cool autumn air ever descends for good, I will be rejuvenated. One can only hope. Currently, I have days when I feel like I am making progress in keeping my head above water with all of the things I have to do such as planning, grading, SGOs, PLCs, etc. Other days, I end the day with a great fatigue, perhaps even a malaise. I have been back to the gym which seems to help, although it seems I stay up later after those days spent at the gym and the cycle of fatigue goes round. In addition, there are those who are shaking their heads, I know, at my very political posts. I cannot stay silent in a time when chaos and cruelty are reigning over the United States. I am an avid viewer of news shows which don’t quell my concern about the current state of affairs. I am sick at heart about the state of our world. I am worried about dying bees and rising water. That all being said, I am fully cognizant of the fact that I lead a pretty nice life. Would I like to be able to read books, finish furniture, and frolic all the day long? I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t have those aspirations. I do get to spend my school days in the nicest classroom in the school with an assortment of the best and brightest young people, working with colleagues that are kind, supportive, and helpful. I have a wonderful, quirky assortment of supportive and loving family members and friends as well. I will continue to be thankful for all that I have, including the couch and bed that welcome me to rest for awhile and maybe to dream a little dream.

6 thoughts on “Working My Way Back”

  1. It seems to me, that you are simply….quanked! But in your quankiness, your writing has restored my spirit to write, myself! I feel refreshed by looking at your words and your experience. But be revived, yourself. You are living life on life’s terms, and appear to be thankful for all that is on your plate. And that is living and being, and loving , despite of, or reason for, the stable, and the quirky, and the amusement, that surrounds you. The answer, my friend is acceptance, and you do it with applomb and grace! (I told you that I had something heavy on my heart, Miss Quinn!❤)

    1. Thank you, my eloquent friend, I am indeed. I am waiting for my revival but I am feeling physically under the weather currently so that may have to wait.

  2. The beautiful fall weather is arriving soon. Continue to take joy in helping young minds expand and take in their energy.
    America is full of wonderful people and that goodness shall reign. We must choose everyday to be the best we can be. One last statement- EVERYONE GO VOTE THIS NOVEMBER

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